
2017年01月19日 11線上英語教學好嗎:41

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WARM WELCOME? Vice President Chen Chien-jen said that protesters should avoid the cold by sending representatives to Sunday’s meeting to discuss issuesBy Stacy Hsu / Staff reporterVice President Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) yesterday unveiled details of the government’s draft pension reform plan, urging opponents to send representatives to a national affairs conference scheduled for Sunday.Speaking at an afternoon news conference at the Presidential Office, Chen said the draft was drawn up after 20 committee meetings, four regional forums and efforts to solicit opinions from all sectors of society.Chen said the draft plan aims to ensure that the nation’s various pension funds can be sustained for at least another generation, delaying estimations for bankruptcy of the Labor Insurance Fund by nine years to 2036, the public-school teachers’ pension fund by 12 years to 2043 and the Public Service Pension Fund by 14 years to 2044.“Our goal is to make sure that pension funds remain accessible generation after generation and be able to support insured people into their old age,” Chen said.Laying out several key elements of the proposed reforms, Chen said the controversy-dogged 18 percent preferential savings rate for retired public-sector employees taking monthly retirement payments would be lowered to 0 percent in three stages over six years.The saving rate is to be reduced every two years, falling to 9 percent, 6 percent and then 3 percent. It is to be 0 percent from the seventh year on.For those who take their pension as a lump sum, there are two proposed systems: Either the 9-6-3-0 process to reduce the interest rate as with monthly payments, or a separate plan of 12 percent for the first two years, 10 percent in years three and four, 8 percent in years five and six and 6 percent from year seven on.However, public servants whose monthly pension is below a specified floor — to be either NT$25,000 or NT$32,160 (US$791 or US$1,017) — are to retain the 18 percent preferential rate.Chen said that the government intends to cut the income replacement rate for public servants to “75 percent of two times a civil servant’s basic salary” and lower the rate by 1 percentage point each year until it is 60 percent of two times the basic salary.Under current pension plans, government employees receive pensions of up to 95 percent of their pre-retirement income, which is straining national coffers.To make pension funds more sustainable, the average used to determine payments is to be based on a longer timeframe. The proposal is for the average insured salary of the final 15 years of employment to be used to determine pensions, with that number to be reached by adding 12 months to the timeframe each year until the 15-year target is met.Also, the retirement age is to be increased to 65, except for professions of a special nature or those that involve dangerous activities, while the ceiling for labor insurance premiums paid by public servants, public-school teachers and private-sector workers is to be raised stepwise to 18 percent.Other highlights of the proposal include a scheme to allow employees to keep their work years when they switch jobs, including moves between the private sector and the public sector.“The money that is to be saved by lowering the income replacement rate for public servants and the cancelation of the 18 percent preferential rate will be put into the [Public Service Pension] Fund,” Chen said, adding that starting next year the government is to inject NT$20 billion into the Labor Insurance Fund annually.Minister Without Portfolio Lin Wan-i (林萬億), who is deputy convener and executive director of the committee, said that as the nation has 13 different pension funds, the government plans two stages to reform such a complicated system.“We welcome various opinions at Sunday’s conference. They will be factored into the next stage,” Lin said.Asked to comment on a large-scale demonstration in front of the Presidential Office Building planned for Sunday by civil servants, Chen said that given falling temperatures, it would be better for opponents of the plans to send representatives to the conference, where their voices would be better heard.Additional reporting by CNA新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES


金融與智慧財產權(特別是專利),早先是不相容的平行線,但隨著網路科技蓬勃發展,金融業開始大舉利用科技聯結網路和手機推出具競爭力之服務,現甚至結合數據分析、IoT物聯網、行動平台、雲端運算、區塊鏈(blockchain)與智能合約(smart contract)等時下最夯尖端技術,打造出各項FinTech服務。

基於全球競爭,金融業應亟早建立制度以規畫、管理與應用其智慧財產,而智財權中排他性最強之專利,尤為戰略上首要兵家必爭布局之地。綜觀而言,FinTech相關專利基本上都圍繞在軟體或商業方法(business method)之主軸上,是金融業界進行專利布局首要需了解之議題。

以FinTech最盛且訴訟案最多的美國為例,將FinTech商業方法申請為專利首先面臨之檢驗,即該商業方法可否做為申請專利之對象(即是否為專利適格標的),因申請案中許多會被歸類為不得專利之抽象概念。2014年最高法院Alice v. CLS Bank案(下稱「Alice案」),締造出Mayo/Alice inquiry二步驟測試法(結合2012最高法院Mayo v. Prometheus案2-step法律架構)判例,作為判斷可專利適格之基架,才將長期糾葛的商業方法可專利性問題稍予底定。

該二步驟測試法,第一步判斷:檢視請求項之描述是否涉及自然法則、自然現象與抽象概念。若答案為肯定,則將再進行第二步,即檢視請求項(包括個別或結合元件)是否具發明概念,若不具備發明概念即不屬專利適格。一般而言,必須該請求項的發明概念實質上比「不得予以專利之抽象概念」本身具有更多內涵(significantly more than),才得予以專利。

在Alice案後,全美各地方法院大幅宣判不可專利之抽象概念。例如美國著名之NPE(Non-practicing Entity)Intellectual Ventures,早就蒐購許多銀行業務服務之FinTech專利,如線上銀行、網上付款、符合資安密碼方法、資料加密、入侵偵測等技術。惟其2013年向金融界開刀,就其擁有專利傾巢對多家銀行如BoA, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo及Capital One等,提告專利侵權訴台北一對一家教英文補習班老師推薦訟時,若干項目均被法院以單純抽象概念為由,判為不可專利。

然而在一片打壓中,仍有不少優質專利經得起考驗,例如2014年 DDR v.、2016年 Enfish v. Microsoft、Rapid v. Cellzdirect、Bascom v. AT&T等案之技術仍獲肯定。吾人從美國專利訴訟案例中,可歸納出以下負面表列原則供參考。









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